Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Most Interesting Man in The…..Part 1

So, I have decided to give blogging a try.  I have some friends that blog regularly, so when I mentioned to Jenny Leiser that I was thinking about starting a blog she was quick to encourage and offer help.  I think I debated over some of the same things most people do when starting a blog..what will I blog about…will it be interesting or entertaining and does anybody want to hear what I have to say? Jenny said to just write, keep it positive so thats what I'm gonna do.

I figured I'd start with a little bit about me.

My story is unique!  I know!, we are all unique, but there are not very many people in this world that grew up the way I did.

I was born in Bangkok, Thailand.  My dad was an Officer in the CIA Directorate of Operations from 1957-1992, my mother was an Adventure Journalist before there was such a thing.  By the age of 10 I spoke 3 languages and had lived in Thailand, Cambodia, Tanzania, Indonesia, The Philippines and the U.S.

Dad Cambodia 1959

Mom Trekking Nepal 1980
I am a bike rider. ok thats not so unique.  I'm a bike racer…maybe just a little unique.  The bike and I have had a special relationship.  So, I grew up in third world countries.  What is the single biggest mode of transportation in the third world?…right Bikes!  As you can imagine there wasn't much stability in my childhood.  My parents where loving and supportive but older and because of their careers not very present.  There was always a bike. To most kids a bike means freedom, and the ability to explore further than afoot.  To me it was sooo much more! To me A bike was like a passport.  A bike meant acceptance.  I didn't have to be able to speak the language to ride a bike.  It became my social network, it was how I would "fit in".  Being a white kid in Asia and Africa in the 70's and 80's wasn't easy.  i'm in NO way comparing that to what real minorities deal with. But I was DIFFERENT and DIFFERENT isn't fun as kid.

I played ball sports like most kids but also did a lot of surfing and skiing.  Skiing you say? where does one ski in SE Asia and Africa?  You don't.
Jackson Hole 1994

 Mom teaching me to ski Davos Switzerland 1973
Mom & Dad 
  My parents loved to ski. I am just as passionate about skiing as I am about bikes.  I was decent at ball sports but always had to work harder but was never big enough for the main stream sports.  I focused on soccer in my younger years and picked up lacrosse when we were in Langley VA.   My big advantage was No one was going to outwork me.  I finally settled on lacrosse and lettered at Hobart College.

End Part 1

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